As I am a total advocate of pursuing the correct legal person to help in attaining the support children need in school, there also come a lot of patience that is involved. In my mind everything has rules. There are rules that we must follow in order to attain the goals we are striving for, in the case of my son, the goal is to get him an the education he requires and for that education to be taught to him in the way he can comprehend. Most of the time if we do not monitor this ourselves and leave it in the hands of teachers that are not versed in the disability our child has, we waste very valuable time for our children. So as you are aware, my choice to put my son in a school where they can teach him the way he needs. In doing this I must go by the rules of getting reimbursement from the child’s school system. So why is it that I play by the rules and they don’t? Why is it that I do what the State requires but the school system breaks all those rules and doesn’t get reprimanded for it? The State has dates, times and regulations, if I do not follow, my attorney gets reprimanded, but if the school doesn’t abide by the rules do they get penalized? No I do. I had a mediation scheduled for December it was cancelled (word to the wise, they are always canceled in December) and was to be rescheduled in early 2016. Really, the system had 45 days to answer my attorney, okay it was March before anyone even got back to my attorney. For me, patient as I am, the school year is almost gone and no payment, As many people are aware, private schools for our children with learning disabilities are expansive. We are a normal ordinary family that both parents work. It seems like half the time I work for my children’s education,but I guess that’s what we do. The only gratification I receive is that my son is healthy and doing very well. He is well adjusted and learning at a very healthy pace. This helps pass the time and helps me gain more patience. I do have a date for mediation, it’s 2 months away, just in time to start new litigation for the next years school. A vicious cycle. Patience thank goodness it’s what Mom’s are made of!!!! I hope this time around it becomes worth it!