So in my pursuit to help my children, move them along, help them try to lead normal lives, I’ve come to the conclusion that all my efforts are clearly oblivious to them.
Let’s take my 19 year old daughter who will be 20 in the next few weeks. With all the training, classes, help, intervention and schools to teach her, she still insists that she knows best. Well maybe there is some truth to some of that, but let’s look at all the “blunders” that have occurred. Now many people have lectured me in the time frame of adolescence. Yes I understand that the brain in a youth really doesn’t start to click until 24 years of age. All the “trials and tribulations” that they go through is a learning curve to the development of relationships in the future, how they go about making correct decisions for them and really how they will ultimately live there lives. Wow, if this is true I’m staying very far away from her. I guess living on her own she feels the compulsion to have tatoos, piercings, all of which I despise. My theory to her is, potential employers really don’t look to happy about those things, and ultimately a job and support should be upper most on her mind. Nope, that’s not the case. Well when we need money for the bills, let’s see who wins out, the tatoos or a job??? I’m going to bet on the job!
My son on the other had is thinking up new and innovative ways to learn at school. Oh you think this is good. Hmm, looking in that notebook for all the written notes in Physics and Math. No notes, I know that he’s learning but how???? I ask him were are your notes? In my phone he responds. In your phone??? Okay, print them out so we can study them. How did he put them on his phone you ask, he took pictures of the notes on the blackboard with the teacher there. Yes, took pictures of his notes. Did I blow a gasket???? Yes! Learning is about writing the notes so the brain comprehends what you are writing and learns. No, no and no, no more phone picture taking. High School is for taking notes and learning. Oh my, what else will he come home with.
We are so good at blaming society for these changes but we are the ones who changed it. We invented all these gadgets. We made them use these items to socialize instead of going outside and talking. We did this, so I must say we have to deal with all these new ways they are coming up with learning! Oh, my it’s really getting tougher.