Perseverance Pays off

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I know that most of the Mother’s out there try really hard to accept what their children have inherited. They try to cope and work to help their children. We talk to people, we ask for help and are always seeking a new and better way to help teach our children to become independent and get the education they truly deserve. During these times patience is almost never there but always required. I know that it can be a long hard road, and sometimes you sit back and say “I’m going to quit”, the system has beat me. I’m here to tell you that all your hard work and patience will pay off in the end. It pays to persevere.
Probably the most tedious and painful trip is advocacy in school and working with the school system. This is a troubling avenue. On one hand the system tells you that your child cannot keep up, or conform to the ways of the system, yet they put you on a 504 program and bill the state and federal government for assistance in the areas your child needs. After periods of time, when the school system cannot comply, you go to take action. I’m the first person to tell you to DEFINITELY get an advocate, whether you go to the State or hire your own. This is the best investment you can give your child. These people know the laws, they understand what is going on or what needs to be going on. These people are quite insightful and fight for your child. I will admit I thought I was a good advocate for my children, and I think I am, but the advocate I hired was great! I was basically always there to confirm what she recommended. Yes, your child needs more, yes it should be part of the local system, and yes you will fight for your child’s rights.
The next step is if the system is educated in the issues your child has. The beginning is good but you don’t see anything better happening. They seem to be pushing your child along. You bring this to school’s attention and they “fluff” you off saying it takes time. Bring the advocate in again!!!! The key to having your child taught differently is that they can actually learn from the teacher. They can only learn if the teacher is trained in this field.
Believe me it’s a long journey but perseverance does pay off. It takes a lot of fighting, such a shame since we all want the same goal, educating children in a different way so they learn. Once they fine tune what your child needs, now they will come home and you will see a difference. They will be happier.
I had to make a big decision to put my son in private school. It was a tough call and I wonder if I made the right call, but three years later, the child is happy, educated and adjusted. He is happy where he is, has friends of all ages, no bullying, no labels.

This is a time when all my perseverance did pay off.

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