As the days go by and you think that you have the routine down pat, everything goes arye! I have advocated for my son with Executive Function issues and ADHD. He is a good place in a private school which can assist him in learning how to deal with his disability and give him the time and space that he needs. At 13 years old he is growing like a weed, the hormones are skyrocketing and his personality is definitely changing. He is excelling in the subjects that he enjoys but is not responding to the teachers in the other subjects. Things are just not clicking. So I need to get him clicked in. I have hired a psychologist that we used for my daughter to watch him in class and get a perspective on how to draw him in and pay attention. Med’s are just not what it takes in this case. We need to draw his attention to the important things that he needs to know. One option was a reward program. If he gets to class on time and responds to the teachers lesson he gets some extra art time during the day, whether it be in the morning or at recess time. This works wonders with children that have something they love to do! With my son we have done this a lot so we need to appeal to other senses. The psychologist that we know is very aware of his issues and can put a program in place for him to get motivated. The school he attends is very open to this procedure and can use it with other students. But back to my point, when you think things are good and then they do arye!
I will tell you that I have my son in a great program. In our area of Connecticut we have a center for children with disabilities. It’s called the Kennedy center. They have wonderful programs for children to work with the disabilities they have and to be with others like themselves. This is really key, when they see that they are not alone, they totally progress. My son is in a class for socialization, He loves it. The therapists are great and creative! The problem is you have to hunt for programs. I hunted for them with my daughter so when my son came along I knew where to look. One item off the agenda!
Until next time…..