Hi 2016, please be good..

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As the New Year begins I am trying to regain all the thoughts and new routines to get into. As we were supposed to have a mediation with my school district and it was cancelled, waiting for a new date, patience is not my forte, so that we can plan, I understand everyone has a backlog and my backlog incorporates money! No one ever moves fast in the beginning of the year, but I need to move on,
Anyone who has hired advocates or worked with advocates (attorneys) knows this process can be very long and arduous. Although, I seem to be a pest to these people, I do pay them up front, I need to move things along. As I have said before I am very pro-advocate. These ladies and gentlemen know their business and work to help you with your school systems and get special attention to your learning disabled child. I’ve been using advocates for close to 6 years now, remember I have two children with learning disabilities! So I guess I am going to be a pest to my attorney yet again, to get the state moving with the school system. My big move this year is my son going into High School. The school system we are in, the High School, embodies over 2, 000 students. The private school that my son can navigate has 300 students. The trauma he would endure to try and find classes, encounter different students (bullies) is far too high for him. For all the good work getting him to really work with his disability and really work on his socialization would go down the tubes. My husband and I are not willing to put him through this. It’s like losing him to a maze of uncertainty. We have hired psychologists that can back us up on this so now we go to the fight. But the price tag for private High School jumps quite a bit, so the fight gets harder. We feel the fight is worth one human being to come out successful and be able to work in society than not.
So our fight begins…….

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