Category: 2016

  • Why would I think it would get easier?

    So in my pursuit to help my children, move them along, help them try to lead normal lives, I’ve come to the conclusion that all my efforts are clearly oblivious to them.Let’s take my 19 year old daughter who will be 20 in the next few weeks. With all the training, classes, help, intervention and… Read more

  • Until the brain stops growing

    Life with children and disabilities is a never ending story.  Without the history in my family of any types of disabilities I was thrown into this realm by my children that I adopted.  As they were growing all these “challenges” were evolving.  As my children were growing, so were the different aspects of the disabilities… Read more

  • Perseverance Pays off

    I know that most of the Mother’s out there try really hard to accept what their children have inherited. They try to cope and work to help their children. We talk to people, we ask for help and are always seeking a new and better way to help teach our children to become independent and… Read more

  • Patience

    As I am a total advocate of pursuing the correct legal person to help in attaining the support children need in school, there also come a lot of patience that is involved. In my mind everything has rules. There are rules that we must follow in order to attain the goals we are striving for,… Read more

  • A mother always transitioning

    I think the major misconception of being a Mother is that the most difficult and sacrificing time we have is when our children are little. By little I will clarify under 18 years of age. Now for most Mother’s this could be quite true but for Mom’s of children with disabilities, this becomes more difficult.… Read more

  • Hi 2016, please be good..

    As the New Year begins I am trying to regain all the thoughts and new routines to get into. As we were supposed to have a mediation with my school district and it was cancelled, waiting for a new date, patience is not my forte, so that we can plan, I understand everyone has a… Read more